AQ+ Ultra is a highly concentrated disinfectant, sanitizer and deodorizer.


Hi-Genic® Thick Non-Acid Bowl and Bathroom Cleaner not only helps control the hazards of cross-contamination on treated hard, nonporous environmental surfaces, but also kills many microorganisms that cause odors, and is for disinfecting hard, nonporous, surfaces. Use this product in hospitals, medical offices, nursing homes, day care centers, nurseries, airports, athletic facilities, colleges, athletic facilities, hotels, motels, prisons, public facilities, public restroom, schools, showers and bath areas. Hi-Genic is EPA Registered.

F270012 – 12/32 oz.


Use Hi-Genic on toilets, urinals and other hard, non-porous surfaces. It is a great product for disinfecting and cleaning bathroom surfaces.

pH – 10.8 – 11.8

Appearance – Blue, Thick Liquid

Fragrance – Floral

Freezing Point – Not known

Solubility in Water – Complete

Flash Point – None

Toilets & Urinals

  1. Apply liberally over entire surface, including under rim of bowl.
  2. Agitate with brush, bowl mop or appropriate tool.
  3. Allow to remain wet for 10 minutes.
  4. Flush toilet or urinal.

* Note: For directions for other applications, see product label or technical data sheet (TDS).

n-Alkyl (C14 60%, C16 30%, C12 5%, C18 5%) dimethylbenzyl ammonium chloride – 0.09%

n-Alkyl (C12 50%, C14 30%, C16 17%, C18 3%) dimethyl ethylbenzyl ammonium chloride – 0.09%

Other Ingredients – 99.82%