Build Your Staple Set Brush

Because they are so familiar to many of us, staple set brushes would seem to be a simple proposition: bristles in a block of wood. That description is just one of many, and when we delve into what our customers need, it’s simply not accurate. To manufacture a staple set brush, a wooden or synthetic block is placed on the stapling machine, and then a previously programmed hole pattern is drilled and tufted.

But in the simplicity of the process, a whole world of possibilities opens up to our customers. Our custom staple set brushes can be manufactured with a block made of wood or synthetic material, and in straight or staggered designs with a wide variety of fill materials.

There’s more to it than just a block of wood. The size, shape, color, fill material, trim, and other factors allow customers to take this simple palette and devise a masterpiece to manage the task they need. Among staple set brushes are the following brush types:

  • Tufted Lag Brushes are straight staple set brushes made out of wood or plastic blocks up to 98” long. Lag Brushes can be used for conveying, sealing, filtering, cleaning, bed brushes, guide brushes, and material-handling brushes.
  • Disc Brushes are made from wood or plastic. The bristles are tufted at different height and angles for custom brush applications, Polishing Brushes, Wiping and Cleaning Brushes. Our maximum capability is a 35” outside diameter brush.
  • Cylinder Brushes are made with synthetic tubes. A variation in the tuft-hole size and staple set pattern provides versatility in the brushing action.

View and download our Custom Brush Capabilities Brochure to get a good idea of what we can do with tufted brush design. If you don’t see something that precisely fits your needs, please call, and we can design a brush to your exact specifications—it’s what we do.

The Fill Factor: Choose the Right Bristle for the Job

No matter the design you’re considering, the fill or bristle of any custom brush is what will make or break the brush in terms of performance and durability. Think about it: If the natural fiber of shoe-shine buffing brush were to be swapped with the burr-removing capabilities of stainless steel bristles, neither customer would be too happy. Every type of fill has its capabilities and tasks. Let us help you decide the right fill for your custom brush. These are some common choices, but if you have something else in mind, don’t hesitate to reach out:

  • Bassine: A natural fiber made from the leaves of the palmyra palm, bassine readily absorbs water, making it a cost-efficient material for custom push brooms used for cleaning hard surfaces, such as concrete, vinyl, ceramic tile, terrazzo, and linoleum.
  • Goat hair: Animal hair is a versatile material. Goat hair, in particular, is known for its softness, and is used in applications requiring a delicate touch, such as cosmetics, dusting, and forensics.
  • Horsehair: Horsehair brushes — made from the animal’s mane or tail — are commonly used for polishing and cleaning as a less abrasive alternative to synthetic or metal bristles. They also are used dry in anti-static environments or for applying adhesives.
  • Polyester: In applications requiring a bristle with low water absorption, polyester is a good choice. It remains stiff, even in liquid, and is resistant to bacteria and microorganisms.
  • Polypropylene: Similar to polyester, polypro, for short, resists water, retains its stiffness in wet or dry conditions, and is bio resistant. The material is largely resistant to typically damaging industrial chemicals or solvents, as well as acids, alcohols, or oils.
  • Tampico: Typically used for light scrubbing or cleaning, natural Tampico fiber is highly water absorbent. It also is resistant to heat and chemicals, making it a popular fill for bakery brushes.

Staple Set Brushes Solve Problems for Many Industries

For more than 100 years, exacting standards for design, manufacturing, and customer service have established Fuller Custom Brush as the trusted provider of custom brush applications for Fortune 500 companies representing a variety of industries, from agriculture to aerospace. We meet the strictest of specifications for OEM components, as well as for custom production parts, manufacturing processes, and various manual uses.

Because our custom staple set brushes can be manufactured in an infinite number of ways, there are many applications for different industries, including:

  • Wholesale bakeries and Bakery Equipment Manufacturers: Conveyor cleaning brushes, spreading or dusting brushes, guiding in packaging, proffer brushes.
  • Fruit and Vegetable Brushes: Tufted Cylinder Brushes are used in food processing for washing, waxing, polishing, and drying. Peeler brushes are used for potatoes and carrots.
  • Furniture Manufacturing and Wood Processing: Stain Brushes, Dust-removal brushes, Machine Guard Brushes, Brush guides.
  • Packaging and Material Handling Brushes: Antistatic Brushes are used to apply labels and remove static during packaging processes. Guide Brushes for products.
  • Equipment Accessories Brushes: Scrubbing Brushes, Sweeper Brushes, Brush Rollers for Glass, Dairy Brushes, Vehicle Washing Brushes, Brooms, Bench Brushes,
  • Agriculture Brushes: Orchard Sweeper Brush, Front End Loader Brush, Lawn Sweeper Brush, Street Sweeper Brush, Bunk Sweeper Brush
  • Consumer Brush: Private Label, Hair Brushes, Cleaning Brushes, Bench Brushes, Push Brooms, Personal Care Brushes

Ask Fuller Custom Brush: We’re Here to Help

Fuller Custom Brush continues to set the standard for quality custom brushes across many high-tech, commercial, and industrial applications in a variety of industries. To find out how we can help your company, contact us today.

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